Thompson has turned four months old! (he is four months in this picture) I call him my high
maintenance baby. Just when you think that you are a professional mother having gone through it three time before, T had to come along and teach me more about being a mother. "Patience" - what is patience? Well let me tell you I have learned a variety of patience with all four of my children. I almost feel though as if Heavenly Father saved the best for last - Thompson the true test to see how patient I really am. (I think I am failing)
Madison = I learned that children like to be scheduled and know what is coming next. -Be patient
Dawson = Don't rush me or I will get frustrated and not want to do the things you want me to do. - Be patient
Jackson = Take time to hold me and play with all the imagination you got. - Be patient
Thompson = he has only been on the earth for four months and already I have learned the "patience" test over and over again. Sleeping, eating, running errands with him, doing household chores, homework with older kiddos, making meals, - he is a toughie and on top of it all Jeremy has his busy season right now and about 95% of the time I feel like a single parent. Now I don't want anyone reading this thinking that I love him a little less than my other kids - he is such a blessing to me and when I see his smile and his eyes light up when he sees me, I know he was sent to me for a reason. Wow it is great to be a mother and actually be a part of raising someone who will do great things in their lives - I know my kids will do GREAT things!
Now go hug your kids!