Sunday, February 14, 2010

Super Bowl/Valentine's Day

We were disappointed that the Colts did not win the Super Bowl:( We had a great time at my parents house though, with lots of good stuff to eat and cousins to play with!

Maybe this Seahawk outfit jinxed the whole thing!Valentine's is here and again I have booked myself with many holiday projects. Being the Relief Society Committee leader the February meeting was on "Love" the language of love, I can't remember the name of the author of the book. We had a lesson on how we all love differently and then we learned how to make cupcake pops and these cute Valentine cones (mine not so cute, but some gals made some pretty impressive stuff). It was a fun evening - we had about 75 women come - I wish I took pictures, I had my camera there, but it was hard juggling teaching the pops and Thompson.
I made these cones for Madison and Dawson's teachers. That one little cupcake pop was one of over 300 made! Yes I had my second annual girls night in make your own cupcake pops. I baked 5 cakes and balled over 300 for everyone to make their desired amount. All day Wednesday I had women come over and shape, dip, and sprinkle their pops - I was so impressed and had a lot of fun - and once again my kitchen has cute sprinkles all over! (sorry no pictures too - Thompson was up partying with the ladies, so I was busy taking care of him)

Madison's hair for her Valentine Party!

Jackson playing bingo at his party - I made heart shaped sugar cookies for his class to decorate and eat!

Madison at her party - making her Valentine bag. She loved her "Justice" heart t-shirt. I made cupcakes for her class (she has a boy in her class that has a peanut allergery, so I made a box cake and frosting) - I got to the school had the boys in the stroller, picked up the tupperware box of cupcakes and splat the bottom came out and cupcake mess all over the sidewalk - so for some reason I was not bring cupcakes to Madison's party. Maddy was a little bit disappointed, but really they didn't have time to eat cupcakes at the party anyways - so everything was good!

Dawson! I brought a fun number bingo to his party - the other room mom was a big help and headed up this party!

Last but not least, I helped a Young Women in our ward with a wedding cake for her Mom's wedding. She helped with the roses, smoothing the fondant and the ribbon. She was very proud.

Friday, February 5, 2010


Loved making this cake - I wish Maddy would ask me to make a princess cake for her!

100 Days of School/Dukes

100 Is a Lot!
100 dogs, 100 cats,
100 heads, 100 hats,
100 women, 100 men,
100's more than 5 or 10.
100 buttons, 100 coats,
100 sails, 100 boats.
100 cookies, 100 cakes,
100 kids with bellyaches!
100 shoes, 100 socks,
100 keys for 100 locks.
100 puddles mighty dirty,
100's even more than 30.
100 daughters, 100 sons,
100 franks, 100 buns.
100 trees, 100 plants,
100 picnics 100 ants!
100 is alot to count,
100 is a LARGE AMOUNT!
100 kisses, 100 hugs,
100 bats and 100 bugs.
100 bees, 100 birds,
This poem has 100 words!
by Meish Goldish

Thompson loves to put up his dukes! I need to put more pictures of him in here - wait for an adorable post!